Tamara Coleman
Born 1985 Dallas, TX
BA Studio Art + Art History
Scripps College, Claremont, CA
History of Art Program, 2007
University College London, UK
The Art Party, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City, May 2011
Groundbreakers Preview, Phillips De Pury & Co, New York City, May 2011
Play Dead: 23 Artists on Death & Dying, Bows and Arrows, Dallas, April 2011
Suite Art Fair, The Belmont Hotel, Dallas, April 2011
A Winter With Flowers, Bows and Arrows, Dallas, November 2010
Pinnacle Heat, Group Exhibition, Bows and Arrows, Dallas, September 2010
A Needle Pulling Thread, Group Exhibition, Bows and Arrows, Dallas, May 2010
Tamara Coleman: Select Works, Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery, Claremont, May 2008